Workshop 3: Cross-Team Fertilization
Organizers: Fefferman, Blum, Bourouiba, Candan, Ryan, Strand
Topic: The purpose of this workshop was to provide additional tools for communication and collaboration among diverse, multidisciplinary teams.
# Participants: 16
This workshop focused on expanding team familiarity. While up until this point, the majority of effort to become acquainted with each other and our associated fields had been either cursory introductions or deeper conversations within the research project teams, this meeting focused on making connections among all the researchers to reinforce team coherence and ensure awareness of Institutional expertise and capabilities.
This workshop also immediately followed the winter holidays and was purposefully flexible in its goals to allow for interrupted work schedules and travel associated with the season and the beginning of new semester schedules. There was also active discussion of “living” timelines for each project team as the collaborative work identified and planned team-specific deliverables.