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Our Team has done a lot of creative and diverse work contributing to advancing Pandemic Science.
Here are just a few examples!
Blog Posts
Contributing to Disease Modeling:
Queshi, Z., Greenhalgh, T., & Bourouiba, L. (2022). The return to school is welcome, but we must minimise shared air. BMJ.
Book Chapters
Contributing to Bioinformatics and Epidemiology:
Ryan in Andrews, G. J., Crooks, V. A., Pearce, J., & Messina, J. P. (2021). COVID-19 and similar futures: Pandemic geographies. Springer.
Building Communities
Contributing to Data Sciences and Epidemiology:
PanCommunity. Leveraging Data and Models for Understanding and Improving Community Response in Pandemics.
Contributing to One Health:
University of Tennessee. One Health Initiative.
Contributing to Systems Modeling:
Akpa, B. S. as part of Accelerating Therapeutics for Opportunities in Medicine (ATOM). ATOM Consortium.
Contributing to Systems Modeling:
Akpa, B. S. as a part of Accelerating Therapeutics for Opportunities in Medicine (ATOM). Engineering inclusive solutions.
Conference Papers
Contributing to Wildlife Disease Management:
Horan, R., & Finnoff, D. (2023). Managing an Infected Wildlife Population Facing Invasion Risks from Another Pathogen: An Application to Brucellosis and CWD in Greater Yellowstone Area Elk.
Contributing to Wildlife Disease Management:
Horan, R., Hopkins, A. S., Finnoff, D., & Lindley, S. (2022). Managing a Portfolio of Spatial Wildlife Infection Risks: An Application to Elk in the Greater Yellowstone Area.
Contributing to Disease Ecology:
Miller, D. L., Camus, A. C., & Raverty, S. A. (2021). Pathologic Findings in Stranded Marine Mammals: A Global Perspective. In (Vol. 8, pp. 796908): Frontiers Media SA.
Contributing to Epidemiology:
Bentley, R. A. (2021, May 18, 2021). How to use statistics to prepare for the next pandemic. The Conversation.
Contributing to Trans-disciplinary Synthesis:
Mauss, S. (2022). Transdisciplinary Synthesis | Here We Are Podcast E402 w/Dr. Nina Fefferman | Hosted by Shane Mauss [Transdisciplinary Synthesis]. YouTube.
Contributing to Disease Modeling:
VectorByte. (2023, July 17-21, 2023). VectorByte 2023 training workshop.