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Predicting Emergence in Multidisciplinary Pandemic Tipping-points


The founding principle of our PREEMPT Institute is that wicked problems will take fundamentally multidisciplinary efforts to solve. Problems don’t get much more wicked than preventing, or preparing to mitigate, pandemics. We have begun at the beginning and focused on assembling teams of disciplinary leaders to tackle problems that no one discipline can solve. Already, after only a little more than a year, we’re really proud of how far we’ve come!

Please browse around our website to see a little about our pilot protocol for jump starting teams that can make deep, yet rapid, progress on these challenging, wicked problems and learn about the progress we’ve already made on a few first questions!

Covid 19
In the crowds
Wavy 3D Net
Abstract Futuristic Background
Conference Crowd
Abstract Waves
Graphic Spiral
Liquid Bubbles
Image by Ahmad Dirini
Image by Darío Méndez
Image by Henry & Co.
Halftone Image of Crowd
Image by Clark Van Der Beken
Image by Killian Cartignies
Connecting Dots
Stadium Crowd
People with Masks

The PIPP Phase 1 PREEMPT (Predicting Emergence in Multidisciplinary Pandemic Tipping-points) is part of an NSF-sponsored  initiative focused on fundamental research and capabilities needed to tackle grand challenges in infections disease pandemics through predication and prevention.

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